Is architecture art? I believe it's, so I would love to introduce some nice buildings around the world to you:)
After reading Alain de Botton's The Architecture of Happiness, I believe buildings speak of visions of happiness. And Alain believes more:
'Architecture may well possess moral messages, it simply has no power to enforce them. It offers suggestions instead of making laws. It invites, rather than orders, us to emulate its spirits and cannot prevent its own abuse.'
'Any object of design will give off an impression of the psychological and moral attitudes it supports. '
'In essence, what works of design and architecture talk to us about is the kind of life that would most appropriately unfold within and around them. They tell us of certain moods that they seek to encourage and sustain in their inhabitants'
If u r interested in his argument, just borrow the book n read:) I reli enjoy reading his works coz his English is well-written and humourous.
Just want to introduce this nice and lovely chamber hall in Manchester.
This Chamber Hall is specially designed to house solo performances of the exquisite music of Johann Sebastian Bach. Wow, JS Bach is reli gr8:) I like his music too.
A voluminous ribbon swirls within the room, carving out a spatial and visual response to the intricate relationships of Bach’s harmonies. As the ribbon careens above the performer, cascades into the ground and wraps around the audience, the original room as a box is sculpted into fluid spaces swelling,merging, and slipping through one another. Im reli impressed by the white ribbon. It also creates a layering of spaces. It makes me think of the different layers and tone colours in Bach's music. Also, the black n white reli makes me think of the keyboards. It's such a masterpiece.I reli find this chamber hall amazing n I reli wana go n c.
For more information (like wt kind of materials being used), you can visit http://www.zaha-hadid.com/built-works/js-bach-music-hall