2012年4月21日 星期六

Animals in the streets of Paris

Randomly find a nice exhibition in Paris!
Have you ever seen animals in the streets?
 "The city is a place of transit and permanent movement, a crossroads conducive to meetings. Thus, unlike the art as set out in a gallery or museum, the works presented are confronted in the street without stops passers who discover his whereabouts during daily. Sophie’s art installations lead the public to question the art and the process of contemplation in a non-formal, particularly bind and ephemeral. In addition, they raise a fundamental question with humor mental: the role of animals in our society. The presence of a Pantherre, or a giraffe at a street corner, that one has the habit of borrowing creates situations intriguing and poetic ... something to ponder ...
If you want to view more, please visit: http://www.sophie-photographe.com/ADLRDP%20ang.html

