2011年3月30日 星期三

Emanuel Ax plays Schubert

今日很有幸可以聽到Emanuel Ax的concert
SCHUBERT 4 Impromptus Op 142/ D935
SCHUBERT Sonata in A major Op 120/D664
SCHUBERT Sonata in B flat Op 31/D960
聽完這concert,也想多接觸Schubert的音樂,它的lyrical flow真是太完美了!

More information about Emanuel Ax, pls visit http://www.askonasholt.co.uk/artists/instrumentalists/piano/emanuel-ax

2011年3月23日 星期三















2011年3月15日 星期二









秋之記憶  1993

很喜歡這幅作品,記錄了秋天的美,有紅黃的葉,清澈的湖水,能看出倒影來,用書法刻畫了樹幹,還有光暗的配合,營造出秋天的意境。艷麗的紅色代表秋意是暖暖的,乍涼還暖,秋意也秋意是滿滿的,累累的果實 金黃色的稻穗,表示了對大地事物的喜悅 依賴。暗淡的黑色和灰白色道出壓扁玫瑰回憶的季節,有點感傷 有些惆悵。冬天將要到臨,地上已感一點寒意。

2011年3月8日 星期二


This is part of the exhibtion called 香港:創意生態 — 商機、生活、創意
Inside the exhibition, there are many designs from Hk designers!

天天公仔 Project
Invite HK designers to design the dressing of a smart guy:)

Little prince



Wow, superman:)

小雲style! I like her body (full of colourful insects)
仲有2條辮,like 小甜甜! Art is reli fun

This one is reli creative. U cant c the person anymore, but a big tree with roots.But it's not reli health, as there are some mosses n there r little green leaves. I think it represents Hk. HK is not a green city n there r pollution pbs!

當下‧活在 — 香港國際海報三年展2010 part 2

There are so many nice posters in the exhibition:)
Love to introduce more n explore more n appreciate more

This poster says sth abt HK identity! It performs by using form of Kowloon King.
The background is 紅白藍plastic bags which is a HK product, reminding ppl of the 60s (visit to Mainland)
Read the words carefully, u c read political messages, like New Hong Kong, New China, HK ppl rule Hk
N many HK features, like Festival Walk, Chau Tai Fok
In fact, who we are? Are we unique or different from the Chinese in China?
Do we hv any HK spirit? What is it? wealth, fairness, justice, hard work?

Jp style!
Wt do u think of when cing the 2nd poster!
I do think of the maple n variegated carp (錦鯉). Wt's more?
I like both design n it reli makes me think of Japan!

2011年3月6日 星期日

當下‧活在 — 香港國際海報三年展2010

當下‧活在 — 香港國際海報三年展2010

Some inspirations from the posters all over the world

Are we all short-sighted?
Money,life-partner, relationships wiv others, nature...
Wt is the most important thing in our life?

This poster is from Israel, so i think it relates to world peace or at least peace within Middle East. I like it coz every alphabet tells us sth. Like the alphabet 'E', a grave can be imagined, like many ppl have died in the conflicts and wars. 'D' shows the ugliness of human nature. The face is full of hatred and disguist. 'A' reflects the conflicts and wars between 2 countries or 2 ideologies or religions. But i think the designer is optimistic as there are some positive elements in the poster. 'Y' shows 2 ppl holding hands together and 'I' is a peaceful and lovely scene where birds are happily sininging on the grass:)
I try to reflect this slogen in my life. I think i dun try hard enough, like my studies or my relationship wiv others. Sometimes im selfish n lazy.
Thx 4 the reminder:)

This is one of my favourite. Karl Marx(the founder of communistism)and plastic bags
Wt is the relation between the 2?
Karl Marx believed that communistism can create a better world, but is it reli the case? Is it like an invention like plastic bags?
Are we living better wiv the idea of communistism or hving plastic bags?
Or do they create more harm than good to human beings?
It is nice that the poster puts communistism and plastic bags in the same context.
I think communistism is an ideal which wont be fully achieved in the reality. This ideology reli does hard to human beings, like the civil wars, destruction of env (it makes me think of the sad history in modern China). But some ppl still believe in Communistism and it can create a better world where ppl r equal and property can be disturbuted equally. Maybe it's just a utopia.
Plastic bags do harm to the nature as it's hard to incinerate but at the same time, it creates convenience:) It's gd to know that ppl now use less plastic bags and bring their own bags to go shopping.

Some other nice posters:

Eyebrow, Eye, nose, mouth!
It's quite cool to notice that there r eyes from ppl over the world! Double eyelid and single eyelid, men and women, wiv glasses and without glasses.
Noses and mouths are in different sizes and shapes:)

This is a Polish film abt 2 men and a woman. But without any background of this film, i think the poster shows a man n a woman kissing. My fd suggests that the red thing is the tounge of the woman (which looks like a snake)He said the Chinese proverb 最毒婦人心.I think he is pretty creative:) Acc to the bible, tounge is the most evil part of our body coz though it's small, it can hurt others easily.
If u r interested, u can watch the trailer of the film in Youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaBa2Wj3gHk

I just like the design!

The black one states Mahler's last breath. The poster shows an incomplete butterfly (one of its wings is broken) Mahler died in his young age when he was composing his 10th Sympohny. His life was tragic, his daughter died during young age and his heart was defective which caused him to death. He always feel incomplete in his composition and felt inferior to Beethoven and other composers.

The red one states Mahler's love. I quite like this poster which is composed by many red hearts. It's like flowers as well. Love is the great passion to Mahler to compose. Though he lost his first daughter and got illness, his wife supported him and encouaged him to compose. At the last years, he still worked hard on his symphonies and he became famous and confident.

Duno y i think of 詹瑞文 when i saw this poster!
A human head wiv a Arabian hat, pinapple beard n butterfly wings:0
check the designer background a bit:
'色彩魔術師 – Keiichi Tanaami(田名網敬一)於1965初次製作動畫片"戴面具的魁儡們",1968年獲卡通動畫技術賞,1975年任日本版playboy美術指導,現任日本京都造型藝術大情報設計系主任'
A blogger said he also designed Uniquo T-shirt:) Maybe i bought one be4:)
One of his exhibitions in Singapore: http://www.juksy.com/?p=93517
It's reli colourful n his art is fun n it does make me smile.